The Self-Sustaining Productivity Cycle

VIP Experience

Calendar and Time Management Coaching for YOUR Self-Care!

Take control and organize your life in 1 month!


Joanna's Example of Me Time-Reading for journaling with Image of Cycles
Coaching Framework C.I.A. Clarity, Intentionality and Accountability

Solopreneurs at the edge of burnout need better time management and self-care in order to design a life that they love.

Having neurodivergence is not a sentence for the rest of your life, you can still have routines, rituals, and rhythms that you love and center you. We just need to go about it in a different way.

Let me guide you through my CIA Coaching Framework!




With The Solopreneur’s Self-Care System, you will build a life that you don’t resent, and get rid of all resentment towards your business and towards yourself within the next month!

Feel calm, peaceful, and at ease with your sustainable self-care habits! You’re gonna find your flow and heal your relationship with overworking through self-care.

Me Time:

NOUN. A time for yourself to relax and recharge and do whatever you want to do to bring you joy and fulfillment without obligations or responsibilities!


Woman stressing out in front of her computer



Tell me, do you feel like
you are…..

  • spinning out of control as you try to balance spending time with your family and growing your business.
  • constantly out of breath, feeling exhausted, and lacking energy all the time.
  • in reactive mode, and your days are running you.
  • never catching up with your never-ending to-do list.
  • not able to shut down your brain at night yet you don’t even remember what happened during the day.

If you’re like any of my clients, you’re struggling to take better care of yourself while balancing the needs of your family and business.

I want you to know that YOU deserve happiness and joy. YOU do not need to feel guilty investing in YOUR SELF-CARE. By implementing sustainable self-care habits, you’ll be more energized, and you can be more present spending time with your family and focused on what actually grows your business!


“The Self-Sustaining Productivity Cycle VIP Experience”

This VIP Experience will support YOU to audit, plan and implement strategies to make your life not only intentional but also joyful!

Working one-on-one, we’ll start by assessing your current life, brain-dumping all of your to-dos & worries,  cultivating self-care routines and declaring YOUR intentions for the future.

Joanna working with client on laptop

Kind Words

Picture of Brandi Michel

Joanna is a warm and supportive coach
who puts you instantly at ease.

I felt like her sessions were a safe space to explore my challenges, hopes, and areas where I need the most help.

I never felt like I had to hold back in our sessions.

I now have a realistic plan for caring for myself better and feeling less overwhelmed with all parts of my life.

– Brandi Michel

My CIA Approach to YOUR Self-Care

Coaching Framework C.I.A. Clarity, Intentionality and Accountability

Stage 1: CLARITY on YOUR Value-Aligned Lifestyle



Self-Connection Journal &  45 minutes One-on-One Coaching Call on Thursday


We will create a clear vision of what self-care will mean for your life by identifying what really matters to you and recognizing your essential needs and wants for yourself, your family & business.

Stage 2: Cultivate Your INTENTIONAL & JOYFUL Life


90-120 minutes One-on-One Deep-Dive  on The Following Monday to Support YOU in Determine Where to  & How to Manage Your Time and Energy Intentionally & Joyfully

Together, we will:

  • Assess your current lifestyle 
  • Brain dump what’s on your plate (and mind) so we can simplify it
  • Design your daily supportive self-care ritual
  • Create a bedtime routine to better your sleep 
  • Set a weekly rhythm that centers YOUR self-care

…. While ensuring these are all connected to your intentions for the future.


Stage 3: Action & Accountability

You’ll walk away from our time together with YOUR ideal daily and weekly self-care intentions & a structure in place for you to practice self-care and make them into your second nature eventually, your new habits include:


  • A minimum of one minute every day practicing your self-care routine

  • 15-30 minutes every week to plan your upcoming week in advance to make sure that you’re prioritizing your self-care using my NESTS self-care recipe!

BONUS: 1 Month Accountability Support

I’ll be your personal accountability partner for 1 month to ensure you stick to your new habits!


  • 4-week email check-ins: Are you sticking to your new habits? I’ll check in with you every Monday to help you stay aligned with your values and goals!

  • After 1 month, we’ll have a 45-minute check-in call on Thursday to handle any hurdles that may come your way, and ensure you’re continuously taking action to implement your new self-care habits.   

$1000 – Introductory Offer

Financial Commitment

It’s currently priced at $1000 USD for 6 Spots!
You could pay for it all at once or split it over two payments.


Word on the street 

This is an Intensive where you find out where you spend your time and how it’s affecting your everyday life.

I would recommend the VIP experience for
any stressed and overworked entrepreneurs
to help them find a sense of balance
in their business and personal lives.

Then, I would tell them that Joanna is the best!

— Shyera McCollough

Picture of Shyera McCollough


Woman with a big smile on her face

Imagine YOURSELF a  month from now: 

  • understood why you’re so stressed and know exactly how to improve
  • have a daily supportive self-care ritual that works for you from your low-energy days to your highest-energy days
  • honour your energy and knew exactly where to spend your time and energy 
  • you did less – while still taking good care of your family and achieving awesome results for your business 

You can stop imagining now, because in just 33 days, you’ll be the one having the new lifestyle where you prioritize your own emotional well-being and your own mental, spiritual & physical health!

So, are you ready to take control of your own well-being?

Step 1: Let’s chat! Book yourself a free, no-obligation chemistry call with me to see if I am the right guide for you!

Step 2: During the call, we will talk about what challenges are you currently facing and what does your most juicy, desirable life look like? You will also walk away with a blueprint to do your own mini life audit!

Step 3: If “The Solopreneur’s Self-Care System” feels like a good fit for you, then I will send you the checkout link for the one-on-one deep dive after our call!



I don't have time for self-care now!

I know what you’re thinking, “I will have time for self-care in a month, I just need to finish this project first, then I will find time for myself…..”

I’ve been there, and the issue with this approach are you most likely are just gonna continuously find new projects to do, you don’t have time for self-care, cause you never prioritize it and make time for it…..

I'm so busy, I can't squeeze self-care into my schedule!

I know how you feel, cause I was there, how could you possibly squeeze one more thing into your to-do list?

But I have to tell you that self-care is ACTUALLY the foundation for your everything.

Without taking good care of yourself, you won’t be able to take good care of your family, because you may spend lots of time being irritable & you won’t be able to grow your business, cause without a clear headspace, you most likely will be spinning your wheel and not achieving much.

I've tried planning my life before and it didn't work, how would this time be different?

I know you’ve tried many approaches before, maybe you’ve tried time boxing, time blocking, and you’ve got a planner. But you could never stick to your schedule.

The thing is that this one-on-one deep dive is personalized, it’s specifically for you! You’re going to cultivate your own sustainable lasting lifelong habits that make self-care a second nature for you through creating your own routines & rituals and finding your own rhythms!

And you’ll learn practical strategies and tips to help you be intentional about how you spend your time and energy and how to set boundaries! They will be simple for you to implement, but it may feel hard at first, that’s why I will be your accountability partner for the first 33 days and we’ll end our one-on-one time together with a one-month check-in call to ensure you’re sticking to your new habits! You’re also welcome to continue your journey with the support from the self-care with ease community at monthly reflection and planning circles! 

I was a workaholic, who was tired and overwhelmed all the time. 

Joanna holds the mirror for me to make me realize
how unintentional I was in the various aspects of my life.

Thanks to Joanna, she was a guiding force for me to live a life of intentionality now
(if that’s not a word, it totally should be lol). 

- Shyera McCollough

Joanna having fun zip lining

Wouldn’t you love those results for YOURSELF?

Good news, those results can be yours! However, due to the highly customized nature of the one-on-one deep dive, I only take on three clients every month.

I want you to get the same results that they have and reclaim control over your time, energy and space!

Secure your spot now or join the waitlist!